Note: All the games will not convert into PKG, maybe some games converted but not working on PS3 How to make PKG files ↳ Smartphones (Android, iStuff, tablets.Thanks to Aldo for the PS3Tools provided for this tutorial and the creators of the ODE resigner and He圎dit. I've been noticed that some games won't boot this way, so I'll list the games that worked for me using this guide: I added some captures of the process placed in my MEGA cloud. Sorry for the language I’m no native English-speaker, it was quite hard so I tried my best. This was tested with a CFW 4.75 PS3 with MultiMAN 4.75. Follow the instructions and the generated EBOOT.BIN file must be copied and overwrite the one in the USRDIR folder in the structure.ħ.- Copy the structure in your External Storage (GAMEZ folder) and run it with your backup manager. txt file showing you the way) and execute the “run me” file.

Place the EBOOT.BIN file located in the USRDIR folder in the folder where you extracted the ODE resigner provided in this tutorial (there’s even a. Nek1NB-QvIĦ.- Change the EBOOT.BIN file with the ODE resigner. Open the PS3_DISC.SFB file and change the name provided with the one you copied before (in this case NPUB-30302). hjE8RaKOHMĥ.- Edit the PS3_DISC.SFB provided in this tutorial with PS3 DISC SFB EDIT in PS3Tools. If there appears on screen a window just hit Yes. Open the LIC.DAT file in the LICDIR folder in the structure and search for a game ID and change it for the one you copied before (in this case NPUB30302). Also Copy the name of the game (in this case NPUB30302) because you’ll need it later. Open the PARAM.SFO file and change the “HG Harddrive Game" option to “DG Disc Game”. uVOE4h4r80ģ.- Edit the PARAM.SFO file extracted with PARAM SFO Editor in PS3Tools. If the game has a fix PKG you’ll just copy the extracted files in the PS3_GAME folder and save over the old files. To know if you’re doing it right: Everything in the NPUXXXX inside the PKG file should be placed in PS3_GAME in the structure provided in this guide. Open the PKG Game file and extract the folders of the PKG (i.e: USRDIR, TROPDIR, etc) and every other file in the PS3_GAME folder you found on the. rar file provided somewhere on your PC.Ģ.- Unpack the game using PKG View 1.7 from the PS3tools. A quick search on the internet and you’ll find them ( ). PKG file of the game you want to convert to a game folder backup. For the sake of the tutorial I’ll use PSN Crysis 1. We’ll see how to convert PKG files of a PSN game into a folder bootable from External Storage (i.e: BLES-XXXXX folder) using Aldo’s PS3Tools. You might have some PSN games installed on your PS3 HDD with CFW and you want them in the External Storage (for future booting using your favorite Backup Manager) to free some space.